Wednesday, February 9, 2011

(double feature pt. 2) Do Not Try This At Home...

Question is: Why would anyone try this? *insert vomit face*


  1. okay. I cannot eat dinner now. That is just wrong.

  2. there are somethings that you should not do while breastfeeding and this is one of them.

  3. If the child is young (like under 18m) and is half asleep... I don't see why it's such a big deal if you were in the middle of things and finished while feeding your child. A; They won't remember, they are too young and B; they are mostly asleep and REALLY won't remember... furthermore... how do you think people "back in the day" were intimate? Whole families slept in the same bed and obviously they still had sex because they kept popping out more children.

    It's really not that big of a deal...

  4. So, just cause they won't remember. It's okay to have balls in the baby's face while they are trying to eat?

    Getting off isn't that important.

    That is just GROSS.

  5. Stephanie, those people back then weren't having sex three inched from their baby's face. God, I hope she swallows :S

  6. OMG 18 months????? My daughter is 14 months and mimics everything I do. She saw me blow my nose so she blows her nose everywhere we go. I don't even want to think what this kid is doing all day. Don't pretend you know how people were intimate "back in the day" whenever that is supposed to be. Seriously, there is a line and this is crossing it.

  7. Haha love my crazy birth boards fyi this topic went on to discuss doing the deed while BF and other things :0

  8. what the hell? it can't wait?!

  9. Gross, that sounds like child abuse!

  10. i'm pretty sure this came from my BB. =]

  11. I don't think what matters here is really if they baby will remember it or it'll affect the baby etc...I think it's just the moral and ethic of it all. Doesn't quite seem right...
